They've really done a great job creating the authentic feel of America in the fifties(as it's presented in the movies, anyways) It's also worth mentioning that the soundtrack(at least what I heard of it) was exactly what you would expect of a game set in the fifties. As you drive trough the city, you'll notice the fantastic atmosphere that 2k games have created.

However, I didn't do a whole lot of driving, so I don't feel completely authorized in give the driving a final sentence yet. The cars in the fifties were apparently not as easy to maneuver as today, so expect slower and heavier cars, than in GTA IV. It's actually good, if you consider realistic sandbox games a good thing. Don't misunderstand me "heavy" isn't bad. The driving in the demo feels heavy, and I guess that's what 2k was aiming for. After the cutscene, you need to drive to a meeting spot. You early on get the sense that Vito is new in "the family", and that this mission is for him to prove himself. You play as the character Vito, who is supposed to take down this guy who's obviously on a bad note with the Mafia. The demo starts of with a cut scene explaining the mission you're about to take on. The trailers I've watched and the articles I've read have really convinced me that Mafia 2 will truly be an amazing game.

I don't think I've ever expected so much of a demo before. Taken fro my blog: The Mafia 2 demo hit Xbox Live today(Gold members only, this week), and I downloaded it as soon as I turned on my Xbox 360.